The George Neal and Russ Bannock
Michael U. Potter Historic Aircraft Collection
de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver
The original Vintage Wings of Canada Beaver was dedicated to two Canadian aviation legends who were pilots for the original Beaver test program — George Neal and Russ Bannock. Both are members of Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame
Canada is the birthplace of bush flying and no other airplane is more emblematic of northern wilderness aviation than the ubiquitous Beaver. Designed after the Second World War, the Beaver was an instant success, capable of carrying heavy loads into rough Northern landing strips and of operations on wheels, skis and floats. Military operators including the US Army bought the Beaver for utility work and several went to war in Vietnam. Though production ceased 40 years ago, hundreds of these workhorse airplanes continue to earn their keep in remote locations all over the world.
Not designed for speed, the Beaver is somewhat utilitarian in appearance, earning the not-so-elegant sobriquet, “The Half Ton Flying Pick-Up Truck”. Those whose livelihoods and indeed lives depend on the Beaver see it in a different light - as an exceptional and optimized design suited to rugged operation with beefy good looks and a willing heart. The DHC-2 Beaver of Vintage Wings of Canada spent most of its operational life as a land-based aircraft with the Kenyan military. Back home to stay in Canada, it now enjoys a well-earned life of ease in cottage country.
Sold to Flying Turtle Aviation Inc, of Edmonton, Alberta in 2013 with same registration.

Pierre Langlois Photo

Pierre Langlois Photo

Peter Polgar Photo

Pierre Langlois Photo

Arrowhead livery designed by Dave O'Malley

Gus Corujo Photo

Gus Corujo Photo

Gus Corujo Photo

Gus Corujo Photo

Russ Bannock. Yousuf Karsh Photo

The VW Beaver suffered damage in an accident while in service with the Kenyan Air Force

George Neal during test program for deHavilland Caribou